Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm back!

ok so i'm back from Virginia with Eva. it was most entertaining. the entire ride up there i was given a lecture on sex. huzzah for awkward conversations with older women. and don't worry i won't go into details it was traumatizing enough for me and i would rather not be responsible for anyone who spontaneously combusted upon reading them. (it's been known to happen) so anywho. i am back now, knowing a whole lot more then i ever needed or wanted to know about certain things which will remain unmentioned. tee-hehehe i enjoy being vague. or i should say i enjoy people's reactions. They can react in two different ways. they can get pissed off (which is always entertaining) or they could just keep asking questions because they are either too oblivious to notice that you will never give them a direct answer, or they are cunning enough to make you slip up and actually tell them something of useful importance. which is always a disappointment. boooo. so yeah i think i will continue ranting about random things for now...reason being is because SOMEone is not on facebook and therefore not replying to my message thingy...boooo. i feel bad though because i'm purposefully ignoring one message because it would require being angsty in order to make a satisfactory reply. and i'm just not feeling that right now. although i was yesterday...but that was because of the tyrant. otherwise known as my mother. jeez nothing is ever good enough for her! and whenever i show the slightest weakness she pounces on it and rips apart all my barriers exposing this pathetic squishy thing that sniffles alot...makes me want to slap it. (and not in a totally hot kinky way either) so then i get mad at her AND myself for having being so weak and helpless, and i take it out on myself. and then afterwards i have to cover up where I've completely scratched away the skin and if my mom sees even a hint of a scar she'd put me on some sort of "anti-depressant" crap and blames it on my father when it has nothing to with him but everything to do with her!!! omfg...i have turned into one of those horrible emo bloggers. damn. i shall have to make up for this some how....UNICORNS ARE UBER-FANTABULOUS AND I LURVE PRETTY PINK PONIES.....WITH HEARTS PAINTED ON THEIR ASSES! :D and now if you excuse me i must go hide myself in shame.

1 comment:

  1. haha hey now, it's not my fault I have to eat dinner occasionally.

    aww it's okay, you can wait and reply to it whenever you feel like it.


    hahaha yayyy unicorns and ponies!
